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Anti Ageing Skin Treatment

A key factor of beauty is the appearance of the skin and since the skin is the first thing to be affected by ageing skin treatments are very important. This treatment prevent the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, ,sagging or dehydration. With age, the quantity and quality of the collagen decreases, resulting in signs of  fine lines,hyperpigmentation,sagging and less hydratation.


Chemical peelings allow us to induce the formation of new skin and to improve the appearance of skin by stimulating new tissue and removing all dead skin cells. 


Peelings are available to suit the needs of each age group and individual patient, to treat hiperpigmentation, to rejuvenate the skin, to improve the hydration and to give a fresher look and healthier skin. 


Peelings can also be used in cases of acne or acne scars, allowing us to improve the scar and prevent more episodes by controlling the amount of oil the skin produces. It is very importnat to protect skin from strong sunlight and the patient can continue with normal activities.



What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are normally an acid, are applied to prepare the skin to eliminate surface layers of dead and hyperpigmented skin. Exist different kind of chemical peels such as Salycilic Acid, Glycolic, TCA, etc.


The skin will peel for a few days after the treatment (often imperceptibily), giving way to a new layer of skin. Smoother, more hydrated skin is the result. Skin hyperpigmentation, marks and blemishes are reduced or disappear and the skin is more luminescent.

Uses of Chemical Peel:

* Glowing Complexion

* Reduce open pores

* Reduce acne break outs

*Prevent signs of ageing

*Improve texture skin

*Reduce Hyperpigmentation





Glowing Complexion ,Reduce open Pores,

Reduce acne break outs and Prevent the signs of Ageing.

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